Beth is an energetic consultant who assists souls along their path of Spiritual awakening. She was a registered nurse for 13 years, who now assists in the transformative process of growing a new body, renewing mind, allowing for sentient soulful expression through form. She is a direct channel of the source field, allowing access to the Sentient Divine energetic beings of the invisible realms. Using her intuitive gifts, along with a plethora of channeled practices, she engages the individual biofield with that of the quantum collective bio field, by means of holographic imagery. Mother Nature is her co creative expression, harmonizing the mind body instrument, which allows for opening of the Solar Heart, birthing the presence of the Great Spirit, which resides within all. Beth assists her soul clients through the reconditioning of the belief systems of the mind throughout this process allowing for lasting cellular vibrational change, allowing for a free sentient multidimensional life experience.
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